If you want one page list all categories, just create source/categories/index.md, and then write type: categories in it, which tells Hexo to create public/categories/index.html. “Tags”, “About” are the same.
1 2 3 4
cd source mkdir categories cd categories vi index.md
parseInt accepts string as the first argument, represents the value to parse. If this argument is not a string, then it is converted to one using the ToString abstract operation.
In JavaScript, the number which has more than 6 zeros in front of the first non-zero digit will be displayed in scientific notation, specified by ECMA . That means , 0.00000005.toString() will return '5e-7'
So, the code above can be explained as following:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.0000005.toString() // '5e-7'
parseInt(5e-7) // 5 parseInt('5e-7') // 5
What about postive numbers ?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
parseInt(5e7) parseInt(50000000) // both return 50000000
// 5e7 will not be displayed in scientific notation 5e7.toString() // '50000000'
// '5e6' is string parseInt('5e6') // 5
parseInt should not be used as a substitute for Math.floor()
Role of Central Banks: Central banks issue fiat currency and use tools like interest rate policies to regulate the economy.
Regulation and Compliance: Financial institutions are supervised by government and regulatory bodies to ensure stability and transparency in the financial system.
Credit System: The modern monetary system relies on a credit system, where individuals and businesses obtain loans and credit through banks.
It is clear that the traditional monetary system is centered around governments and central banks.
What is de-centralized
Imagine a system, where everyone can earn currency through a certain amount of labor and freely engage in transactions. In the absence of a central organization, individuals cannot deceive others to obtain currency or fabricate transactions, just like being compelled to adhere to the laws of physics.